
26 March 2017, Bernd Armbruster

Our New Toys from RF elements Just Arrived :)

As some of you guys know in real life I run a Internet company called Skynet here on Margarita Island. As the demand for new bandwidth is growing and growing recently on some of our Access points we are getting really crowded and had to look for a solution to reduce the noise, specially in Porlamar and on the highest point on Margarita, " la Sierra" or also called "Cerro Copey".

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We looked for a long time around to find a high quality product for the harsh environment (salty air) and to reduce the noise as much as possible. Finally we spotted a company called RF elements. They offer a totally new concept in the Wireless industry, a product called " Horns".

Well I must say a was a bit sceptical at the beginning, because the footprint of the antenna is very small, and we have some clients very far away. Until now we used Ubiquiti's Titanium series, which disappoints me a bit, because the quality is not the very best....

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Compared to the traditional Sector antenna this new Product from RF elements is very small, so you save a lot of space on the tower. Anyway long story short, couple of days ago finally the new Horns and the new Ubiquiti Prism AC Radio arrived :)


First we started to mount them in Porlamar to do our first test with the new product ....

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After that was a total success, now clients are way better connected then before, we moved on and installed the other ones on the Mountain :)

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I must say I am totally satisfied with the results of this new Product, not only that the quality of the product is the best I have ever seen, it is the noise that has been reduced that much and the signal strength to the customers has been improved a lot!


DISCLAIMER: This is a repost of a blog written by Bernd Armbruster and originally published here. Check out the interesting discussion below the original article as well!

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