Case Study -, Spain
Delivering Connectivity to Vessels in Navantia Shipyards is a company that provides wireless solutions in very demanding environments. The main goal of this project was to find a solution for providing internet connectivity to ships that arrive in the yards for repair. The challenge was to provide seamless wireless connectivity on each of their multiple decks.
Further requirements were:
1. The solution needed to be scalable, adaptable and easy to deploy since the average repair time for ships is around ten to fifteen days.
2. Shipyards in Navantia have very demanding weather conditions - constant humidity, lot of rain, mist and salt. The equipment needed to survive in this environment.
Read the case study to find out how RF elements Symmetrical Horn CC Antennas helped meet these goals!
Entregar La Conectividad A Los Buques En Los Astilleros De Navantia es una compañía que provee soluciones inalámbricas en entornos difíciles. Para el proyecto de proporcionar conectividad a Internet en los barcos que llegan a los astilleros para ser reparados han utilizado el equipo de RF elements.
Los requisitos fueron:
1. solución escalable, adaptable y fácil de desplegar
2. soportar agua y lluvia constantes, niebla y efectos de salitre
Lean todo el caso de exito para saber que solucion decidieron implementar.