High Gain Directional Antennas
UltraDish™ TP Antennas are parabolic dish antennas with a wide gain range and lossless TwistPort™ connector. The UltraDish TP Antennas have high directivity and suppressed side lobes for the ultimate performance.

Beam Performance
The radiation pattern of UltraDish™ TP Antennas with suppressed side lobes minimizes the collected and transmitted interference in high-noise areas. The flexible gain of UltraDish™ TP Antennas is achieved by adjusting the size of the main reflector size that focuses the signal fed via the TwistPort™ connector.

TwistPort™ Connector
TwistPort™ is our patent-pending quick-locking waveguide connector with practically zero loss. It connects our antennas to an RF radio and embodies the new standard for scalable, high-performance, and easy-to-use wireless equipment.
Easy Connection
TwistPort™ operation is extremely easy. The mounting and RF connection of the radio is combined into a single, elegant, and highly functional "twist and lock" design. A single-handed radio installation is now a real option!
Innovative Mount
UltraDish™ TP Antennas feature an innovative mounting system design optimized for simplicity and durability. The installation and aiming adjustment is quick, easy, and can be done within minutes.
The UltraDish™ TP Antennas come in packs of two to decrease the shipping cost. The packaging is an environmentally friendly cardboard profile with minimized use of plastic.